
Pokémon Team API

This was my first introduction to consuming an API, and how I can sample a list of names and retrieve JSON data as a response.

Pokémon Team API

Python Interview Questions

Throughout my journey to better myself as a Python Developer, I created this script which samples a list of interview questions relating to Python, and it iterates over that sample and prints them for me, essentially asking me the question.

Python Interview Questions

Quiz Game

Here's a simple quiz game Python script which I worked upon, to show my basic understanding of using print statements, variables, input statements, and if/elif statements as well. The user is asked a series of questions, and if they get the question correct, it adds a point to their score. At the end of the quiz, the user is then shown their overall score, with a percentage as well.

Quiz Game

Number Game

A user is asked for a number. Then the program uses the random module to generate a number between that range, and now it is the user's tasks to guess for the correct number. On each incorrect guess, the user is told if their guess is higher or below the actual number. Then at the end of the minigame, they are told how many guesses it took them.

Number Game

Rock Paper Scissors

Everyone is familiar with the classic game of Rock Paper Scissors. That has now been digitalised using Python. Need a way to pass time? Here you can do, where you play against the computer. Each win is counted towards either the user or the computer, and at the end of the play session it is shown which party won the most.

Rock Paper Scissors

Adventure Game

Have you heard of Torn before? Well, that is a text-based adventure game, as is this project too. The project isn't complete, in-terms of the story in which I envision. However, I believe this showcases my understanding of taking a user input and having that affect the outcome of the following statement. Overall, it can make for an entertaining time.

Adventure Game